
jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015


  • A piece of green tissue paper with a circle drawn in the centre (calyx and sepal)
  • A piece of pink, red or purple tissue paper with a flower drawn in the centre (corolla and petals)
  • A piece of yellow or orange plasticine (pollen and ovules)
  • A short piece of string.
  • Toothpicks broken in halves (stamen)
  • A short piece of drinking straw (pistil)
  • Glue and scissors.
  • A piece of white (or any other colour) cardboard

  1.  Cut out the circle from the green tissue paper.
  2. Cut out the flower fom the pink, red or purple tissue paper.
  3. Place some glue in the centre of the green circle and stick it to the centre of your flower.
  4. Take a small ball of plasticine and place it in the middle of your flower (on the pink, red or purple side, not the green) and wrap the base of your flower around the plasticine.
  5. Take the short piece of string and tie it securely around the base (or green part) of your flower.
  6. Open the petals of your flower and then glue the base of the flower to the centre of your cardboard.
  7. Take your toothpick pieces and place them around the middle of the blower and stick one tiny piece of plasticine to the tip of each toothpick.
  8. Take the drinking straw piece and place it in the centre of your flower. Put tiny pieces of plasticine inside the straw (they represent the ovules)
  9. Lastly label the parts of your flower: calyx, sepal, corolla, petal, pistil, stamen and pollen.

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